PlayAble - Parco delle Cascine

Saturday and Sunday May 14-15, 2022

Partecipation “to PlayAble" 

With the invitation of the organizers, we participated with a stand in the "PlayAble" event: sport as a means of inclusion and autonomy.

In the midst of integrated football, ponies, sailing boats, basketball, archery and many other sports, we were there too, with our Work Project!

We thank the Arciconfraternita of Parte Guelfa and in particular Noemi Salvati for the beautiful organization and all the visitors interested in our project. 

TgrToscana television service PlayAble: video

Here are some photos and videos:

Associazione AlpaHa APS  onlus - Via I. Pindemonte 54, 50124 Firenze - - CF 94260670487