Thursday December 18, 2020. 6:00 pm

“Il Quattrino” award conferred on the Association

by District 4 of the City of Florence

We are happy to announce that the Association Alpaca Onlus APS will receive the award

“Il Quattrino” for the year 2020 from District 4 of the City of Florence for

“its commitment in support of the community through involvement in social, educational,

and environmental activities carried out within our territory.” 

The ceremony will take place on Thursday December 18 at 6:00 pm

‍ in the Sala Tosca Bucarelli at the headquarters for District 4

In compliance with anti Covid-19 restrictions only one member of the Association 

will be able to attend the event

In order to follow the event you will be able to see it live on

See the video below:

Associazione AlpaHa APS  onlus - Via I. Pindemonte 54, 50124 Firenze - - CF 94260670487