Art Therapy Laboratory - Final Action, April 16, 2023 at the Park.

- Forme Exhibition of pictorial works -             

Valorisation of children's work! We thank the organizers and in particular the auctioneer Alessandro Masti of Radio Toscana for his very welcome participation and support for the day!!

Watch photos and videos of the final auction which took place on April 16, 2023 at our Park:

Video dell’esposizione dei lavori per l’Asta, presso il nostro Parco:

Art Therapy Laboratory - Exhibition of Works

Art therapy workshop with Eugenia Chiasserini and Elena Prudente.

Artiglieria presents Forme exhibition of pictorial works by the girls and boys of AlpaHa onlus APS.

from Saturday to Monday  March 12-20, 2023 at the Bar Ops

March 18th at 3.00pm: Presentation of the Project

Ponte a Greve (FI), viuzze del Case Nuove 11.  

March 12, 2023 - Streaming event

  “Alpacas and art therapy”

go to the video

AUCTION of the works

April 16, 2023 at 3.00pm at our Park

via Bassa 2/13 - Firenze

Photos  of the exhibition of the works at the il Bar Ops on March 18, 2023:

Photos  of the inauguration of the Exhibition at the ARTigleria Gallery in February 2023:

Associazione AlpaHa APS  onlus - Via I. Pindemonte 54, 50124 Firenze - - CF 94260670487